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What are the benefits?

As REC/IRB administrators face an ever-increasing amount of paperwork, RHInnO Ethics takes away the complex process of creating paper-based data collection thereby making it as simple to use as Gmail or any other web application. This enables RECs to work more efficiently. RHInnO Ethics allows users to enter and manage information about research projects and proposals. This could include some of the following details: principal investigator, reviewers, the source of funding, attachments, descriptions, comments, supporting documents and much more. The system provides a platform for ethics review management, online engagements and discussions, and social networking. When users log into RHInnO Ethics, they see a list of recent actions and alerts, for example, if a project is not completed or if it needs to be reviewed and/or if a new project has been submitted or approved. RHInnO Ethics sends real-time reminders to the different user profiles (i.e. administrators, reviewers, researchers) thereby allowing/enabling them to act promptly.

For Researchers

RHInnO Ethics facilitates the submission and support of online ethics applications, providing real-time tracking, automated notifications and real-time perusal of reviewers’ comments.


In addition, RHInnO Ethics ensures accessibility to online and current institutional resources, including but not limited to templates, policies and guidelines.

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Electronic Submissions

Automation of research ethics review process - improving efficiency, transparency & accountability


Researchers receive both submission and approval certificates, fully e-signed by the relevant authority.

Monitor Review Status

This facilitates communication between the three main users (Administrators, Reviewers and Researchers)

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For Ethics Committee Reviewers

RHInnO Ethics enables reviewers to receive and accept/decline invitations to review research protocols electronically. Reviewers can access assigned protocols and relevant supporting documentation online and in real-time as well as comment on assigned protocols. After review, reviewers can submit their comments (electronically) to the committee administrator and access other reviewers’ comments once all reviewers assigned to the protocol have submitted their comments. Further, reviewers have access to current REC guidelines and policies via the information resources.

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Manage review process electronically

Avoids loss of submitted materials and delays in communication between research ethics committees, administrators and researchers.

Facilitate monitoring of protocols

Researchers receive both submission and approval certificates, fully e-signed by the relevant authority.

Access to other reviewers' comments

This facilitates communication between the three main users (Administrators, Reviewers and Researchers)

For Ethics Committee Administrators

RHInnO Ethics assists the committee administrator by providing notifications when new protocols are submitted. Coordination of the entire 4 review process is managed by making use of these notifications and promptly acting on them. 

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Manage research ethics proposals

Avoids loss of submitted materials and delays in communication between research ethics committees, administrators and researchers.

Conduct internal review

Researchers receive both submission and approval certificates, fully e-signed by the relevant authority.

Grant ethical approval

This facilitates communication between the three main users (Administrators, Reviewers and Researchers)

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Provide clear strategic direction for overall research governance

Improve management of information flows

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 accountability and transparency

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Enhance control of research activities


Increase integration or coordination between research information systems

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Standardize and harmonize research review process

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Speed up the review process thereby improving efficiency


Avoid loss of submitted materials and delays in communication


Improve the quality of information

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